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[Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:58 pm
by CintaNotes Developer
It' s time for the last 1.6 beta!

Apr 4, 2012 - Version 1.6 Beta 3

What's new compared to 1.6 Beta 2:
  • Allow non-lowercase tags
  • Options / Tags submenu
  • Main menu reorganization. Moved View / Note Appearance menu item to the Options menu.
  • The executable is now signed with a digital signature - should be less false positives from AV software
  • Proper metadata and version information in the executable
  • Licensing: You can now just clip the license data into CintaNotes to register, and you don't even have to open the License dialog
  • Added middle mouse button click as alternative way to paste notes into other apps
  • Notebook icons in File MRU list
  • Search: space is now required in front of "-" for it to be treated as NOT
  • FTS search produced wrong results if query contained delimiter characters
  • Ctrl+V in main window didn't recognize links
  • Windows not repainting on maximize
  • Wrong editor window positioning when maximized
Fixes of bugs from 1.6 Beta1 and Beta 2:
  • DB switching didn't close all open notes
  • Sporadically CN could block normal clipboard function
  • App crashed on opening editor when editor.displaydates was 0
  • Application restarting (on language or license change) was not working properly when backup was in progress
  • "Unrecognized token" error on pasting
  • Small cosmetic issues with exported HTML

What's new compared to 1.6 Beta 1:
  • No admin privileges required to register
  • FTS search no longer treats {"word"} as {"word*"}
  • Negation was treated incorrectly when searching by text and title
  • Fixed wrong search highlights for queries in doublequotes
  • Fixed crash (AV) with Ctrl+Enter pasting
  • Added Russian translation

What's new compared to 1.5.7:
  • Multiple notebooks support: CintaNotes now has the "File/Open" and "File/Save As..." commands, and also has the recently opened files list to easily switch between different DB files. The name of the currently opened DB file is displayed in the main window title (unless it is "cintanotes.db").
  • Ctrl+Enter shortcut to paste note text into currently active application.
  • Exporting notes to HTML format.
  • Unified and consistent search behavior: Search behavior is now unified and consistent. "Exact search" mode has been removed. Instead there's an option to search inside words. Now you can always use the logical operators: space as AND and '|' as OR
    If you need to search for an exact quote, put it in doublequotes, like this: "to be or not to be".
  • "Help/License" dialog to manage product licensing: The dialog includes ability to automatically fill licensing data from clipboard.
  • "Cut" command for notes, and custom clipboard format to transfer notes from one notebook to another while keeping text formatting.
  • Tag sidebar can now be resized with the mouse.
  • New option: "Options/Clipping/After Clipping/Assign currently active tags"
    When this option is on, newly clipped notes are automatically assigned tags which are currently selected on the Tag Sidebar.
  • Note editor: Alt+C now works as shortcut for "Cancel".
  • Ctrl+U shortcut for displaying untagged notes.
  • Last used export format is now remembered in settings.
  • Full-text search was not working for East-Asian languages.
  • Searching for "-a" lead to a "Malformed MATCH expression" error.
  • Note Editor: applying formatting cleared existing formatting.
  • Copy/pasting note in the notes list doesn't lose text formatting anymore.
  • Removed redundant formatting tags in exported XML file.
  • Note editor lower pane height changed on Ctrl+S.

Installable: CintaNotes_1_6_Beta3_Setup.exe

License Key:
Clip this whole quote to CintaNotes to register.
(If you already have a key, you need to press Ctrl+Del in the License dialog first to delete the key that is already present).
This key is valid till 04.05.2012.
[License removed - beta testing of this version is over - A.J.]

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:23 pm
by Thomas Lohrum
Beta 3 also fixes Ctrl+U (show untagged notes) bug, when a search-text was previously entered. Ctrl+U now automatically resets any filters.

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:18 pm
by CintaNotes Developer
I also forgot to mention that Tag hierarchy evidently won't make it into 1.6.
In order to implement everything properly we need to postpone it till 1.7.
I know this is disappointing, but the bug rate is growing and we need to
keep it in check.

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:23 pm
by Thomas Lohrum
CintaNotes Developer wrote:I also forgot to mention that Tag hierarchy evidently won't make it into 1.6.
In order to implement everything properly we need to postpone it till 1.7.
I know this is disappointing, but the bug rate is growing and we need to
keep it in check.

It's not disappointing to me. v1.6 does introduce some really nice features and it corrects the search-engine. I think it is a good result to have a stable v1.6 out in April and have a stable v1.7 by the time its done.

Bug with [-public-]

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:36 pm
by Thomas Lohrum
Searching for [public-] is fine. But when you exclude [-public-] zero records are found. The example is shortened and is actually taken from [public-roadmap] respectively [-public-roadmap].

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:52 am
by Guest

I am a little bit disappointed about not getting hierarchies right know ;) but as Thomas said: " a stable v1.6 is more important".

I am also ready for joining the beta test...

Would you assume the beta3 is stable enough to use it with real data
(having backups of course) or is there a very good chance to mess up my notes?


Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:30 am
by CintaNotes Developer
Hi Chris,

yes I'd say Beta 3 is definitely stable enough, I'm using it myself.
But don't update if you are using Opera: there are some issues with clipping from Opera which will be fixed in the final 1.6 release.

Re: Bug with [-public-]

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:33 am
by CintaNotes Developer
Thomas Lohrum wrote:Searching for [public-] is fine. But when you exclude [-public-] zero records are found. The example is shortened and is actually taken from [public-roadmap] respectively [-public-roadmap].

I confirm, thanks. We'll fix it asap.

Search confuses me

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:30 am
by ChrisCN
Search is getting better but still confuses me:

As far as I understand it, this request is NOT included: ... -or-a-tag/

So it is not suprising, that a search word contained in a tag combined
with a search word contained in a note is not working.

But as I found out:
A search word contained in the title combined with a search word
contained in the note also does not work (if 'search inside words' is activated).

I assume this is a bug but in general I find that
the separate treatment of all those fields (tag, title, note,...) is very confusing
and a search 'Anywhere' also searches anywhere in the near future.


Question regarding CTRL+Enter

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:44 am
by ChrisCN
How is this feature working?
Is this a global hotkey? (Can't be configured in the hotkey options dialog)
Do I have to open that note or does it suffice to select a note in the list?
Must the note text be selected?

If I open a note and change to outlook (open a new mail window)
and hit ctrl+Enter than the Outlook-Shortcut is triggered (= send mail).

And if I change to an open notpad window -> nothing happens!?

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:59 am
by CintaNotes Developer
ChrisCN wrote:As far as I understand it, this request is NOT included: ... -or-a-tag/

No, this is not implemented yet. If "Anywhere" search would work like you describe it, it would be extremely slow,
because it would have to concatenate all the fields first, and then perform the search. I'm still thinking how it
would be possible to implement this without sacrificing search speed.

ChrisCN wrote:Question regarding CTRL+Enter

This feature works like this:
1. You work in some text-editing application (like Notepad, Word or text area in browser) and would like to insert the text of some CN note.
2. You call up CintaNotes using the "Show window shortcut" (or via clicking on its tray icon)
3. You find the needed note
4. You press Ctrl+Enter to insert the node text (or Ctrl+Shift+Enter to insert the whole note with title).
5. CN closes and note's text is pasted into the text editing app that you were in.

Re: Search confuses me

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:15 pm
by ChrisCN
ChrisCN wrote:But as I found out:
A search word contained in the title combined with a search word
contained in the note also does not work (if 'search inside words' is activated).

I assume this is a bug

... is this a bug or a necessary limitation?

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:23 pm
by Guest
CintaNotes Developer wrote:it would have to concatenate all the fields first, and then perform the search. I'm still thinking how it would be possible to implement this without sacrificing search speed.
Maybe you could do the concatination in advance on every save (this would of course raise the storage consumption).
But that is often the case - speed or storage space (like every database index has its drawbacks)

CintaNotes Developer wrote:This feature works like this:
1. You work in some text-editing application (like Notepad, Word or text area in browser) and would like to insert the text of some CN note.
2. You call up CintaNotes using the "Show window shortcut" (or via clicking on its tray icon)
3. You find the needed note
4. You press Ctrl+Enter to insert the node text (or Ctrl+Shift+Enter to insert the whole note with title).
5. CN closes and note's text is pasted into the text editing app that you were in.
Thanks - works fine.

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:57 pm
by ChrisCN
Renaming of tags into the same letters with some of them changed to upper case is not working.
I assume because CN thinks the tag has not changed.

old tag name = :inarbeit
new tag name= :inArbeit

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:06 pm
by CintaNotes Developer
ChrisCN wrote:Renaming of tags into the same letters with some of them changed to upper case is not working.
I assume because CN thinks the tag has not changed.

You are right, thanks for reporting. Will be fixed in 1.6 release.

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:42 am
by Thomas Lohrum

as Chris has already reported there is another bug with the search.

Title: Word1
Text: Word2

Now search for [Word1 Word2]. With SIW OFF you will find the note. With SIW ON the note will not be found.


Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:59 am
by Thomas Lohrum
CintaNotes Developer wrote:
ChrisCN wrote:As far as I understand it, this request is NOT included: ... -or-a-tag/

No, this is not implemented yet. If "Anywhere" search would work like you describe it, it would be extremely slow,
because it would have to concatenate all the fields first, and then perform the search. I'm still thinking how it
would be possible to implement this without sacrificing search speed.

The result procuded (missing notes) is really strange. You don't find the note, because you added too many search words, even though they all are valid. You find the note, when you either search for one or the other word only. What is even more strange with Chris' example:

Note title: "this is new"
Note text: "something here"
Note tags: "test"

Now search for [new test] won't find the note, but when you press CTRL+ENTER in the search-box, using the words for searching in tags, the note will be found. I had search Everywhere ON and SIW OFF.

Alex, would the solution be to also search in tags with "search as you type"? In that case an option could be added "Also search in tags" similar to "Search inside words". This gives the user the option to decide for matches over performance.

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:08 am
by Thomas Lohrum
CintaNotes Developer wrote:It' s time for the last 1.6 beta!


i understand you want to release on April 10, right? Beta3 is stable, i am using v1.6 since beta1. It is stable, yes, but it still has bugs. Myself, i am not yet finished with the tests i want to run. Due to lack of time, but also because i stop testing the search, when i hit a new bug. Over the next couple of days i won't be able to do much testing. I would prefer to be able to run more tests, until i get the impression this version is ready to go public.


PS: I confirm the display of wrong creation date for new notes fixed.

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:00 pm
by Thomas Lohrum
Just noticed that the export dialog now has an "export scope" :)

Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 1.6 Beta 3

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:38 am
by CintaNotes Developer
Hi Thomas,

sorry for the delay. All efforts are now in preparing the 1.6 release ;)

Thomas Lohrum wrote:as Chris has already reported there is another bug with the search.
Title: Word1
Text: Word2
Now search for [Word1 Word2]. With SIW OFF you will find the note. With SIW ON the note will not be found.

I confirm, we have managed to make it work also with SIW ON. But it will be working only for title and text, not other fields.
This is maybe not perfect I know, but hits a good balance between need and performance.

Thomas Lohrum wrote:The result procuded (missing notes) is really strange. You don't find the note, because you added too many search words, even though they all are valid. You find the note, when you either search for one or the other word only. What is even more strange with Chris' example:

Note title: "this is new"
Note text: "something here"
Note tags: "test"

Now search for [new test] won't find the note, but when you press CTRL+ENTER in the search-box, using the words for searching in tags, the note will be found. I had search Everywhere ON and SIW OFF.

I don't see why is this strange. "Anywhere" means "Any of the fields must match the search query as a whole", not "All parts of search query must be matched by any of the fields".
I don't consider this to be a bug.

Thomas Lohrum wrote:Alex, would the solution be to also search in tags with "search as you type"? In that case an option could be added "Also search in tags" similar to "Search inside words". This gives the user the option to decide for matches over performance.

In Beta3, tag search respects the SIW setting, and the tags ARE searched as you type.

Thomas Lohrum wrote:i understand you want to release on April 10, right? Beta3 is stable, i am using v1.6 since beta1. It is stable, yes, but it still has bugs. Myself, i am not yet finished with the tests i want to run. Due to lack of time, but also because i stop testing the search, when i hit a new bug. Over the next couple of days i won't be able to do much testing. I would prefer to be able to run more tests, until i get the impression this version is ready to go public.

Yes we are releasing today. Of course there may be some residual bugs, although with your tremendous help we've weeded out most of them.
I don't think we should postpone the release any longer, this way we'll never get at the 5-weeks release schedule.
If more bugs are found, we'll release an update. But we need to get this important version out of the door ;)

Thomas Lohrum wrote:Just noticed that the export dialog now has an "export scope"

Yes, nifty eh? First we designed a full-fledged "Export" dialog, but then I noticed it was really cumbersome to use,
because the Save File dialog still had to be called up. So export from 1-step process became a two-step, which
was clearly a step in the wrong direction. This is why we redesigned this feature.

P.S. An (inofficial!) sneak peek for some smoke tests: ... _Setup.exe ...