The "Find Next" button should do exactly that.

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The "Find Next" button should do exactly that.

Postby OldGrantonian » Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:25 am

The current search popup works fine for simple searches. That has been my only type of search since I first asked you for the search dialog.

Today I wanted to do manual Search & Replace, using the dialog simply to find the next target. I planned to do the actual replacement manually.

Issue: After the manual change, "Find Next" always returns to the FIRST value in the note :-)

So, to find the second candidate, I need to press Find Next twice. To find the twentieth candidate, I need to press 20 times - and so on.

Suggested solution: In the dialog box, the start of the search should be the CURRENT position of the cursor. So the first hit is always after that.

If the current position just happens to be the start of the file, then the user will see no difference from the normal behaviour. But if the current position is elewhere, then the user needs to be asked whether she wants to start the search in the current position or at zero.

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Re: The "Find Next" button should do exactly that.

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:48 am

Hmmm, maybe I misunderstand something, but I can't reproduce this behavior.
\After I press "Replace" and then "Find next", the cursor doesn't reset to the first entry. Just make sure you don't close the search dialog (it is not modal and doesn't interfere with editing the note in any way).

So I'm afraid I'll have to ask for a step-by-step description :)

UPD: Oh, I think I see now what you mean. If you move the caret in any way in-between replacements, and then click on "Find next", then the search begins from the start. Should be easy to fix that.

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