[Viewing] Viewing multiple notes (#166)

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[Viewing] Viewing multiple notes (#166)

Postby chrisz » Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:46 pm

Is it an interesting addition to be able to view multiple notes simultaneously? Not crucial, but it would be handy if you want to view notes that are somehow related or you want to prioritize the notes.
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Re: [Viewing] Viewing multiple notes

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:14 am

This suggestion is already on the roadmap as #166. But I haven't found the poll, so I'm going to create one here.

Re: [Viewing] Viewing multiple notes (#166)

Postby GoD » Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:06 pm

I like the idea of having multiple notes open for edit. So can use it like my notepad windows and collect informations without loosing them.
I would suggest a shortcut to save a note without closing it.
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Re: [Viewing] Viewing multiple notes (#166)

Postby paginaflight » Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:12 pm

GoD wrote:I like the idea of having multiple notes open for edit. So can use it like my notepad windows and collect informations without loosing them.
I would suggest a shortcut to save a note without closing it.

Yeah, I would like to recommend tabs. For example -- look at the Sunrise UI. Sunrise also does web clipping, but it's not nearly as specific as this nifty program (CintaNotes) and would be a lot more difficult to use for that purpose. (Sunrise operates under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/BSD license, btw). These tabs were subtle, but they give you a visual representation of what I mean when I say tabs (multiple notes).

Tabs have been around for a while, but I think they started becoming popular (w/ myself, at least) when Opera begain to incorporate them into its web browser. (??) :roll:

chrisz, was that what you meant by multiple windows?
Snapshot of Sunrise - see multiple tabs?
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Re: [Viewing] Viewing multiple notes (#166)

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:44 pm

Thanks for the idea, paginaflight!

Yes tabs are very common nowadays.
I like them actually more than a handful of windows scattered over the desktop. They keep things neat and tidy.
They have, however, one serious drawback: they don't allow to see several notes at once.

And if you think of it, exactly this is the purpose of this whole request. See the wording: "view multiple notes simultaneously"?
Tabs don't solve this problem.

It would be possible to combine both approaches and to open notes in new tabs by default, with the possibility to drag them out to separate windows. But it is way more difficult to do so.
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Re: [Viewing] Viewing multiple notes (#166)

Postby paginaflight » Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:53 am

CintaNotes Developer wrote:
. . . [T]his [is] the purpose of this whole request. See the wording: "view multiple notes simultaneously"?
Tabs don't solve this problem.

It would be possible to combine both approaches and to open notes in new tabs by default, with the possibility to drag them out to separate windows. But it is way more difficult to do so.

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of new note classifications or new note categories. And not each-new-note. So if I'm collecting notes on tortoises with one tab and airplane regulations on another tab, I can access either category as need be. And if I want to collect notes on three-legged frogs, simply open another tab in the same UI -- and so on.

But as for what the original poster had in mind - I was just trying to hop on the bandwagon in this topic. L8r. . .
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Re: [Viewing] Viewing multiple notes (#166)

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:00 am

paginaflight wrote:Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of new note classifications or new note categories. And not each-new-note. So if I'm collecting notes on tortoises with one tab and airplane regulations on another tab, I can access either category as need be. And if I want to collect notes on three-legged frogs, simply open another tab in the same UI -- and so on.

But as for what the original poster had in mind - I was just trying to hop on the bandwagon in this topic. L8r. . .

I guess what you have in mind is on the roadmap under another name: it's #89 Basic tab-based categories.

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