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Postby tvrman » Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:24 pm

Dear All,
First let me say, this program is awesome!!!, thank you very much, i love the way you can use it so fast,
i have now 1400 notes and it works still very fast, i have no idea how but it does!. great.

Another issue which im facing with for a while is that every desktop note taking kind of application does not allows you to add
real attachements to a note, only a link or an full link with full path to the file on your pc, but what about if you are a portable user like me, i switch from home to work, and on a usb stick i'll carry daily my private stuff, on my work i run the whole day cinatnotes for sure.
then the local links in the note does not work anymore because the full path is on your home pc and not on your work.

Now im a little programmer for the hobby and with the help of AutoIT i was able to create an way to add real attachments to the note.
how does this work?, very easy, drop the cAttach.exe in the same folder as cintanotes, now create a shortcut to the desktop or taskbar,
(portable) i use pstart and add cAttach to the menu, also i added shortcut CTRL+ALT+A (attachement).
Now when this has been done, you open a note and run Cattach now there will be created folder Attachements in the folder of Cintanote
in that folder will be created another folder with the name of the note, it open via explore.exe and you can drop any type of file you want
in that folder, after closing the note and the explore and reopen the same note and pressing again Cattach (via desktop/taksbar, shortcut)
the folder will direct open again and there are the files again.
(the folder attachments will created ones during first run), and the sub folders will created when you want an attachement to a note.
Someday's i'll hope dat this will be added to cintanotes self.
ps , im not to intent to rewrite cintanotes in anyway, i just make the use of autoit (basic script), so please let me know
if there are issue's i do respect the writers of Cintanotes and don't want to disturb the way it works.

Let me know i'll send it via email (i cannot attach during the size)


tvrman add gmail dot com
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Re: CintaAttach

Postby kranor » Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:46 am

This is a Very Nice Very Simple CintaNotes add on. Took me a few minutes to get it right and find out a few things so I will write an Install guide and then a usage guide.

Install Guide

1. Obtain the file ( at the moment E-mail the developer in the above post, but we will try to arrange a hosting solution either on or off site. To be updated)

2. Place the file inside the main CintaNotes folder.

3. Optional. If using Pstart, Add as a new program with a user defined shortcut key. Suggested is CTRL + ALT + A.
If running Installed version Create a shortcut and assign similar shortcut key combination.

Usage Guide

1. Clip a note

2. Open clipped Note (cAttach will not work on a new note. It uses the saved note title to create a sub folder for attachment storage. If you wish to do this on a manual note, create the note, exit the note, reopen and add your attachment.)

3. Press your Key combination. Windows explorer will open a newly created sub folder in which to place your saved files. (As yet there is no save as dialog so it is a manual move.)

4. To regain access to your saved files at a later date just open the note again and hit your key combination.

Hope this helps

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Re: CintaAttach

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:50 am

That's great! Thanks a lot for the effort! Could you please send it over to
I'll attach the file to the topic.
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Re: CintaAttach

Postby toddclausen » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:07 pm

This looks interesting! As a portable user I'm looking forward to playing with it!
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Re: CintaAttach

Postby mayabelle » Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:07 am

Hi! I'm also a portable user and am super excited to use this program. :-) Please send it to Thank you so much! -Maya
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Re: CintaAttach

Postby kranor » Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:33 pm

For anyone who wishes to compile their own autoit code here it is. Remember to thank tvrman.

Code: Select all

; Cinta-attachedments
; Add feature to cintanotes for attachements
; tvr Sept 2009 Netherlands

; get title of open cintanote
$var = WinList()
For $i = 1 to $var[0][0]
  ; Only display visble windows that have a title
  If $var[$i][0] <> "" AND IsVisible($var[$i][1]) Then
If  StringInStr($var[$i][0],"Edit") Then
$t = StringReplace($var[$i][0], "'", "")
$t1 = StringReplace($t,"Edit","")
$title = StringRight($t1,stringlen($t1)-1)

    $Attachdir  = @ScriptDir & "\Attachments\" & $title
    run("explorer.exe "  &  $Attachdir)


Func IsVisible($handle)
  If BitAnd( WinGetState($handle), 2 ) Then
    Return 1
    Return 0


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Re: CintaAttach

Postby toddclausen » Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:38 pm

Thanks Kranor!

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